Thursday, September 5, 2013

Lazada Philippine’ Stretch to the Top

According to Statista, an estimate of 220 million online users in China is taking part in online shopping. An estimate of 149.8 million of the United States of America’s population is participating following in second after China. As competitive as the Philippines would want to be, the chances of beating the number of people buying online in China is impossible. As overpopulated as we are, the number of Filipinos in existence doesn’t even cover a fourth of China’s overall population. But percentage wise, we are getting there. With the huge success rate the Philippines is getting in terms of profit in sales, the e-commerce industry is looking more stable everyday.

Lazada’s successful transition as a noob online store to one of the most respected e-commerce sites in the country put a lot of effort into making Filipinos more inclined with their techie side. The number of traffic Lazada receives on a daily basis increased profusely compared to their first year. But even then it was evident how much success and popularity it was gaining. Lazada may be owned by a foreign company but this was no hurdle for the prestigious online website as it overshadowed a number of its competitors making it the top dog of the e-commerce site industry locally. Its products are dedicated to Filipino consumers aligning the nature, brands and quality of the products to what fits the Philippine culture. An important factor that has been long forgotten making it almost impossible to find websites that have very good understanding of what Filipinos need.

Filipinos are fond of shopping, yes. But how capable are Filipinos of buying the items they fancy online? It isn’t enough that an item is affordable to make an online transaction successful. The process for payment has to be flexible enough for Filipinos to take part in. But the hard part is in securing the buyers that their respective personal account information remain intact in the company and do not fall on the wrong hands for misuse. Lazada Philippines took part in the assessment program of Payment Card Industry Date Security Standard (PCI DSS). It successfully passed the Self-Assessment-Questionnaire (SAQ) and PCI DSS Security Scan that proves that Lazada legitimately complies with the necessary precautions to keep certain information safe from leakage. This seal from PCI DSS is of big help to acquiring approval from hesitant potential customers.

A website’s security can make or break an online user’s interest especially in the e-commerce department where much vital information is submitted. Lazada’s determination to prove online users who frown upon online shopping wrong is a way of promoting equal opportunities among all business entities. Old school shopping is still essential because there are those still left with no Internet access. But online shopping has become just as important with the fast-paced lifestyle Filipinos are forced into. The lack of commitment among many online shopping site owners that causes early shutdown isn’t a flaw to be blamed on the concept of online shopping. Because at the end of the day, factors like product pricing and product placement still count as basis for success.

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