Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Using your Hours Online to your Advantage

I like going online not because I can’t help but read about the latest gossip or because I have to desperately update my Facebook status. I go online because I see the beauty of what I do which happens to be shopping online among everything else. Let me persuade you into thinking the same.

When we go online, we burn time and effort. We think that surfing the internet kills the chance of being able to accomplish something productive. But it doesn’t have to be that way. After all, everyone is given a choice and it just so happens, that you my friend, chose to go to the wrong direction. 

I wake up in the morning and always get offended that the rest of the world is out to earn money to get through the following month. I, on the other hand, a mother of three, am required to stay at home and make sure that my children are safe. Don’t get me wrong. I love looking after my children but as a human being in the age range expected to make use of her time effectively, I cannot help but feel a hint of emptiness. And because of my desperation to hear about what is happening out there, I go online. But only because my children hog every television there is at home and as a mother, I give them the freedom to do so. After years of indulging in useless online activities, I then experienced an epiphany while scurrying through various online sites. It was then that I discovered e-commerce.

It all started when I was in desperate need of shopping for my sister in Zambales. She was going to celebrate her 40th birthday around the time my eldest daughter was going to graduate from grade school. I have never missed my sister’s birthday because as young as 7 years old, we lost our mom to cancer. Since then, she acted as my ‘mom’ and we were inseparable since. To make up for my absence, I wanted to get her something given the short notice. I went online and looked for the perfect grill set she could use for Hawaiian inspired barbeque party. I saw one at Lazada Philippines and I guess luck was on my favor because they delivered nationwide. Since the grill I bought was over a thousand pesos, the delivery was free. Since then, I have made use of my online free time as a way to do something more personal besides the usual online messaging that required so little effort on my part. It was also more practical to buy online because most of the things I buy for my family are charged to my husband’s account who works overseas. The perks of online shopping have rekindled a lot of fading relationships for me. Now, I go online to look for ways to reach out to my loved ones living far from me. It’s a gesture not everyone is familiar with since most of the time, we go online for self-fulfillment forgetting that we can still make a difference in the most unexpected ways.

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