I can come up with a great number
of reasons why buying from Lazada can be your next greatest investment yet. A
lot of online stores make promises that are not only unattainable but
unrealistic as well. As much as we want to believe that certain promos or
services exist, there is very little chance it actually does unless you have
proven it possible yourself.
Lazada is a collection of various
products in very affordable prices. Different brands and nature of products are
all rolled into an online shopping website with very good conceptualization and
service features. They accept very user-friendly types of payments and even
allow up to 14 days for product returns. You don’t need to wait for the
Christmas season anymore to experience one-of-a-kind and insane sales because
at Lazada, everyday becomes a Christmas adventure. You can dive in to a pit
filled with top of the line products and not feel a bit taken advantage of.
Services are always at its best each time. Following an international set of
standards established by its creator, Rocket Internet, you can always be sure of
good quality service everytime you visit.
By far, one of the most raved
about features of Lazada is its very flexible methods of payments available to
all types of customers. Methods such as Cash on Delivery (COD) which is
applicable to customers nationwide and BDO Installment are just two of the five
impressive modes of transaction Lazada offers. Credit Card payments under
either MasterCard or Visa, MegaLink and PayPal payments are also keenly
observed in the company. All orders come in carts and a calculated amount of
all the products selected will be presented upon checkout.
All orders made to be delivered
within Metro Manila arrive within 5 working days with shipping costing a fixed
P55. All orders outside Metro Manila
take 5 to 10 working days and cost P99 also an already fixed price. But these shipping rates only apply to
purchases amounting to less than P1000. The deliveries are made by either LBC
or 2GO, the official delivering partners of Lazada Philippines.
All products ordered except
underwear, swimwear, skincare & cosmetics, earrings and breast pumps are
eligible for return. All products that will be returned are subject to
validation from the company to whether or not the negligence was caused by the
company or the buyer. Customers must simply comply with the five general
requirements for a successful product return, one of it being the most obvious,
the fourteen day span of when the product will still be accepted. Failure to
submit the product within 14 days will make the return request void. The item
must also retain its condition from when it was delivered meaning it must still
look new. The products must also remain
intact in its original packaging along with the accessories or freebies
Lazada has truly made a huge mark
on the e-commerce industry in the Philippines today. And it will continue to do
so as long as there are Filipinos supporting their cause for easier and more
manageable shopping experiences.
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