Thursday, October 10, 2013

Traditional Mall Shopping Takes a Backseat from Online Shopping

I love how completely vulnerable I can get when buying online.  I always feel like a child when I go shopping. It’s the only time I can completely let go of all my self-consciousness and practice what I love the most, self-expression.  There are many ways to channel one’s personal form of art but not everyone gets to exercise it to the fullest of their ability. For one thing, it might not compliment their lifestyle of choice. And second, they might just suck at expressing it. Thankfully, I’m good at shopping. All kinds. I’m good at designing the house, picking out clothes for my nieces and nephews, choosing movies and playing feel-good music.

During my time off, I go online to remedy what my corporate lifestyle has tarnished in my entire being. Online, I get to catch up with friends, simplify some of my work errands, shop until I drop and most importantly, I get updated with the latest of what is the most exciting industry in the world, Pop culture. So maybe, I haven’t outgrown the youth in me entirely.

I go mostly to online sites that have bigger coverage in product selection. Since I don’t have a lot of free time in my hand, online shopping malls help me save time. Unlike compared to having to switch from one site to another. Shopping malls have been raved about for years but online shopping malls have gotten its own respectable number of recognitions.

My personal favorite is Lazada. It’s probably because I have much respect from its owner, Rocket Internet, an online venture builder I have heard so much about it in the past. I used to live in Germany with my mom and I was surprised upon hearing about its venture here in the Philippines. Lazada covers the basics of what Filipinos normally look for when going shopping. Food is probably the only likely category Filipinos look for that isn’t covered by the said online shopping website.

Lazada has a wide array of brands to choose from. If you’re fond of gadgets, you will find this virtual mall very overwhelming because it normally is one of the first few companies that release gadgets ahead of its competitors. The website comprises of more than 10 categories that were specifically made to target the interests of Filipinos. Items can be organized according to popularity, price, alphabetic brand name, etc.

There’s a section in the site that I really like. It has themed features that depend on the most in demand fad of the season. For instance, last rainy season, it featured fashionable rain apparel, umbrellas and other necessary items to go along with the constant flooding etc. and you’d be ale to see it almost instantly because it flashes on the homepage along with present and previous features. It’s a lot like having your own personal magazine but this time, it’s free of charge and you can literally look at previous featured issues conveniently through a simple click of a button.

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