Monday, June 24, 2013

The epic day I preferred online shopping to mall shopping

Long weekends can serve you good IF you actually have something amazing planned out for it. But if you're just as clueless as I am and you thought the weekend will unravel itself as each day went by, then a big fat good luck to you all. It ain't gonna happen. So just like any ordinary corporate woman in her mid-20's with no man in her life, I turned to the internet and looked for ways to keep myself busy. Oh and did I keep myself busy. I wasted an entire day buffering online videos of Don't lie to me, Kitchen Nightmare and Hannibal. It wasn't until my sister came home from her night out with her friends at 3 in the morning that I realized that it was early the next day already. My Saturday was a different story. Scared to watch my day pass by without me even noticing it, I decided to clean the house and do some grocery shopping. It completely skipped my mind that the malls would be jam-packed. When I got to Cash & Carry, my body was brutally murdered. It was like I intended for it to happen since I showed no sign of backing down. It was probably the adrenaline my competitiveness brought upon me. I was determined to cross out every item in my imaginary check list and was a bit bummed I was unable to purchase them all by the end of the day.  

When I got home, my sister was on the couch watching reruns on The Voice. She asked me how my day went and that's when I lost it. I WAS ON FIRE. And not the good kind. I was so pissed because two days out of my three-day vacation were beyond useless. She told me I should have just bought some of it online like the set of kitchen knives I had in one bag and a new oven toaster to replace the one that overheated a few weeks ago. For a moment there, I wanted to stab my sister for only reminding me then. But I realized it wouldn't make the situation any better if I did. So I went online and was so close to tears after seeing Lazada Philippines with majority of what I bought on hand. To lessen my frustration for the night, I decided to buy the rest of what was in my imaginary check list online. Lazada even had a 10% discount offer for all BDO credit users for the day which put me to hate overdrive. My day would have been a lot less crowded and infuriating if only I checked online first before leaving the house. That's something to remind myself of the next time I want to take a trip to the mall. I never thought I would prefer going online to going to the mall ever in my life. I don't know how kids do it these days. The people today are not only arrogant. They're nasty.

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