Friday, November 15, 2013

Lazada Review: Accessible anytime anywhere plus great customer service

Everything these days is mobile and can be carried around in a gadget called a smart phone. Even online shopping is mobile just like when Lazada Philippines  decided to totally capture a broader spectrum of the market and launched their mobile application. It is not a surprising move though as technology shifts to the app revolution and move toward making things smaller and smaller. A lot of businesses that operates their own websites have now their own mobile version of their own website that are comfortable accessible from smart phones, tablets and other small portable devices. What are apps by the way? I just want to give you some brief technical education so you will have a deeper grasp of what this very popular word is all about. If you are technologically challenged like me, you might look at an app as that small thing that you see on the screen of your small phone and you tap on it maybe once or twice to pull it up and utilize whatever the functionality is contained in it.

An app or application is software that is intended to run on tablet computers, smart phones and other mobile devices. These apps are usually downloaded or is available through an application distribution platform, you probably have heard of Google Play, Apple App store, Windows Phone store and Blackberry App world, if you have then you definitely have experienced downloading a software application before. Applications may be free or needs to be bought from the store usually if it requires payment, the payment method would be through credit card or PayPal. Software application development itself has become some sort of an industry with so many apps being created each day and as shown by the huge employment demand for coders or software application programmers.

A research conducted by a known market research firm determined that there will be around 100 Billion aps to be downloaded in the year 2013 alone and 90% of those applications are free. The awesome thing about it is that, the remaining 10% that charges money still generates around 26 billion euros which in my very humble opinion is still a very huge sum of money given that 90% of it is free. Why are we talking about apps anyway? well it is because of the launch of Lazada’s mobile application several months ago that allows a dedicated online shopper to access the Lazada website anywhere and anytime as long as there is internet access which is not really that difficult to get these days because of the widespread popularity of Wi-Fi hotspots and of course the daily promotions being offered by phone service providers for unlimited internet access. The mobile features the same functionalities of the real non-mobile website format but compressed in size and structured to perfectly fit the screens of most smart phones and tablets that are out in the market today. Now you can just simply pull out your phone if you need to shop and it is also a great way to kill time while stuck in the middle of traffic.

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