Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Lazada Philippines Review: different ways to measure online store reliability

Online shopping and e-commerce have both seen a steady upsurge over the past several years. The growth of online shopping has been unstoppable and have been increasing over the years and everything points towards the direction of a golden era and there is not stopping it. It is simply the future of business. In fact businesses would never be the same again without the internet and e-commerce. the history of e-commerce started in where else but the United States where computing visionaries like Apple’s Steve Jobs and World’s richest man, Mr.windows himself Bill Gates hail from. The Philippines which is no stranger to technological and cultural trends is a country that is definitely not going to be left behind in terms of the adoption of e-commerce and online shopping. In the local front, there is one online shopping mall that is leading the entire pack of e-commerce new comers and that is lazada.com.ph/  . Given the popularity of online shopping locally, a lot of companies started showing up on the local scene with everyone offering different types of products and services with the goal of profiting off the second dotcom bubble. The germination of online shopping websites made it a little difficult for consumers to pick which online shopping website is trustworthy and which is not. There are a few tips that an avid online shopper like me can share to make sure that you are picking the right online shopping website like Lazada Philippines. 

#1. The best thing to do first nowadays is to check out forums on the Internet. You can simply Google the name of the online shopping website that you wish to do business with and read through real customer feedbacks and opinions on review sites, blogs and consumer forums. These write-ups are written and uploaded by real customers who have had real shopping experience with the website that you are looking at. The next thing is getting the opinion of friends, co-workers and relatives who already had some experience shopping on the website. This is the most reliable opinion that you can have since they are your close relatives and friend and will probably not provide you any inaccurate information that could cause you harm.    

#2. Always insect the website if they are replenishing the inventory or if everything is updated on a regular basis. A website that always has new stocks available and is always updated is a great indicator of reliability because it means that the company is selling a lot of stuff which also means that a lot of people are patronizing them. 

#3. Call the customer service hotline to check if they have someone on the phone to answer any question that you may have that is covered on the FAQ section of the website.  It is also a great way to check if the customer service personnel they have are able to provide reliable information.
#5. The product details on the merchandise should provide as much information as possible and not just a two liner overview. Like for instance, in the case of health supplements, hey should list full pharmaceutical details to ensure that consumers are properly guided on the use of such product.
There are a lot of things that you can do to check if your online shopping website is reliable. There are a lot of ways to measure the reliability of online shopping websites and the great news is that Lazada complies fully with all set standards of reliability.

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